
Guidelines to Choose a Healthy Dog Diet for Your Pet

Guidelines to Choose a Healthy Dog Diet for Your Pet Choosing a healthy dog diet can be confusing and difficult if you let it.  The pretty packaging and marketing can blur our perception of a product.  Your dog's diet is the most basic way to keep your pet healthy and happy for the years to come.  It is essential that you find a diet that will provide essential nutrients to allow your pet to thrive rather than merely survive. Here are some simple guidelines to follow when you are selecting a food for your dog's diet.  Know that every dog is different.  A dog diet that is terrific for your neighbor's dog may not be exactly what your pet needs. The first step when considering your dog's diet, is to talk to your veterinarian.  This trusted individual has your pet's interest at heart, just like you.  The vet's recommendations can steer you in the right direction. Find a reputable brand of dog food to be the main component of your do

A Dog's Diet Influences Oral Health

Your dog is your very best friend.  Every single time you walk through the door your dog is so happy to see you that he wags his tail and practically smiles at you.  How can you show your pet how much they mean to you?  Well, one way is to take care of that smile for your pet.  Did you know that your dog's diet can influence their oral health? Humans need to brush and floss their teeth regularly to keep their teeth, tongue, and gums in good condition.  Research has recently shown a link between good oral health in humans and a lower risk of heart disease.  If good oral health can have such a profound affect on people, then it only makes sense to consider the impact it can have on man's best friend. It is important to brush your dog's teeth frequently to keep plaque and tartar from becoming an issue.  Even wiping his gums with a clean, damp cloth can be beneficial. Your dog's diet also plays a role in your pet's oral health.  Do you t