Guidelines to Choose a Healthy Dog Diet for Your Pet

Guidelines to Choose a Healthy Dog Diet for Your Pet

Choosing a healthy dog diet can be confusing and difficult if you let
it.  The pretty packaging and marketing can blur our perception of a
product.  Your dog's diet is the most basic way to keep your pet healthy
and happy for the years to come.  It is essential that you find a diet
that will provide essential nutrients to allow your pet to thrive rather
than merely survive.

Here are some simple guidelines to follow when you are selecting a food
for your dog's diet.  Know that every dog is different.  A dog diet that
is terrific for your neighbor's dog may not be exactly what your pet needs.

The first step when considering your dog's diet, is to talk to your
veterinarian.  This trusted individual has your pet's interest at heart,
just like you.  The vet's recommendations can steer you in the right

Find a reputable brand of dog food to be the main component of your
dog's diet.  It is not impossible to stumble across a high-quality dog
food that you have never heard of, but a well-known and prominent
manufacturer provides an amount of safety and security about the
decision to feed your dog a healthy diet. Recognized and reputable dog
food manufacturers take the time to research the topic of animal
nutrition.  Allow your pet to benefit from the company's wealth of
information rather than going it alone.

Select a dog food that is age appropriate.  If your dog is older and
shows signs of aging, consider a dog diet that is specially formulated
for senior dogs.  Puppies have different nutritional needs than do adult
dogs.  Find a variety of food that meets your dog's needs.  Even the
breed and size of your pet can make a difference in the type of diet you
should feed your pet.  Diets formulated specifically for small dogs and
large breeds exist. You may want to keep this in mind when selecting
your dog's diet.

Activity level and weight are other factors to consider when making the
decision of what to feed your dog.  If your dog is extremely active or
overweight, you may need to pick a type of dog diet that accommodates
such situations.

When you decide on a specific diet for your dog,  pay attention to the
portion size.  Obesity is a serious problem in pets.  It can lead to hip
troubles and take years off your pet's life.

Table scraps are definitely out for a healthy diet.  Your dog's diet
should consist of a high-quality food specially designed to meet your
pet's dietary needs.  Begging is encouraged with table scraps and
obesity is likely to result.

Only supplement a high-quality diet when recommended by a veterinarian. 
Giving your pet too many supplements in the dog's diet can lead to a
lower quality of health.

Always consult your vet for advice on what to feed your dog.  Your dog's
diet will fuel his health, so choose your dog's diet wisely.  Select a
brand of food that is reputable and suited to your dog.  Finding the
right diet for your pet will promote good health and allow your dog to
Heart worm prevention

    Beef flavored chunks are available in addition to the beef flavored
tablets or solutions that  can be given orally to the dogs as a measure
against the incidence of heart worms.  Avoid mosquito bites by providing
proper mosquito-proof shelter facilities to the dogs.

    Just plan whether there is any need to go for the heart worm
prevention though out the year or only in some months of the year. For
example, in case of some countries, the mosquitoes may be dormant in
most of the colder months.

    However, in some countries, this is not a position. Many a times,
medications are available for oral administration to prevent heart worms
along with hookworms etc.  Such oral medications need to be taken as per
the instructions. However, be cautious about the occurrence of any
adverse drug reactions in the dog given with such prophylactic therapy.

    Adverse event reports need to be sent if you come across any sorts
of adverse drug reactions in your dog during the preventive treatment.
Soft beef flavored tablets are highly preferred by the pet animals as
the preventive measure against heart worms.  The pet owner needs to
consult a veterinarian if the dose for the prophylaxis of heart worm is
missed for few months.  In such occasions, the pet animal needs to
undergo the heart worm test.

    Heartgard, sentinel, interceptor, revolution, etc. are available in
the commercial fields as drugs for the preventive measure.  Avoid water
stagnation around the dog shelter and the bushes around the area that 
facilitate mosquito breeding.  This test needs to be carried out in
consultation with a veterinarian who is specialized in the pet animal
health care and medicine.

    As a preventive measure for the heart worms, the dogs need to be
tested for the evidence of these worms at an age of six months.  Real
beef chew able tablets are available containing medical agent like

Heart worm, fleas and other parasites

    Heart worm, fleas and other parasites in dogs need to be eliminated
by following appropriate medications in them.  Many products have come
up in the commercial fields to protect the dogs from heart worms, fleas
and other parasites like hook worms, whip worms, round worms, lice,
ticks etc.

    Among the heart worm, fleas and other parasites, the fleas produce
the hyper sensitive reactions in the affected animals. Hence, the
animals infested with fleas start severely scratching of body. Many
times, the scratching is so severe and the skin becomes more hyperemic
and dermatitis occurs in the affected areas.

    Animal will not lie down or sleep comfortably due to the constant
bites by the fleas. Hence, animal looks as if affected by some severe
skin disease.  If the animal is not properly attended for this tick bite
problem, there will be often secondary bacterial invasions in these
sites and there may even be a bad smell emanating from the skin areas.

    Close observation of the dog is highly essential to rule out the
occurrence of fleas disturbing the animal to a greater extent.
Similarly, the skin of the animal needs to be tested for the presence of
ticks, lice etc. For this, the hair materials need to be separated and
the close observation with patience is required for the proper diagnosis.

    In many incidences, if anemia is present, the blood protozoa need
to be ruled out in addition to the hookworm problems.  The clinical
problems like anemia, loose motion, pot belly etc. might be recognized
by the dog owners themselves and however, the dog needs to undergo the
routine health related examination involving fecal examination,
hematological examination and blood smear examination.

    Many commercial products have come up in the market, which are
useful to deal with all these conditions by single dose.  Drugs like
ivermectin are highly useful and are available in both injection and
oral form in addition to the solution form that can be applied on the
skin. These drugs in dogs can lead to the prophylaxis of these
conditions also.

Home dental care

    Home dental care is to be given more emphasis nowadays because of
the fact that the dental diseases are emerging in the case of pet
animals like dogs to a greater extent. Though you are giving home dental
care, if you suspect on the extension of the dental diseases, then
immediately approach the veterinarian for intervention.

    Try to provide bone materials without very sharp points to the dogs
and they may love to chew them and then swallow the bitten products.
Such activities help them to go for the development of strong teeth
structures in a natural manner.

    Mind that the breeds of dogs like Pekingese, etc. are more prone
for the development of teeth diseases because the teeth are closely
crowned in the oral cavity be to the small size of the these dogs.
Hence, these dogs need to be checked up for the excessive plaque
formation in the home itself.

    Recreational raw beef bones are wonderful materials to keep the
teeth structures of your dog clean and free from formation of plaque
with build up of bacterial organisms.  Teeth brushes are available for
use with care in case of dogs and one has to be careful during the usage
of these brushes in dogs. Teeth brushes are to be used with special
kinds of pastes recommended by the veterinarians for home use in case of

    Specially prepared food materials are available in the pet shops to
remove the tartar and the plaque materials from the teeth structures.
Dry dog food and toys that are specially made to add strength to the
teeth structures are often used at home for better teeth cleaning.

    The plaque materials are intermittently to be removed at home to
avoid any occurrence of the periodontal diseases, which are more common
among the dogs.  Dental wipes are available in the pet shops and they
may be used carefully in the home.  This helps to remove more plaque and
the tartar like materials that are loosely attached. Home made diets

    Home made diets are important in the dog feeding. Many a times, the
commercial diets consist of food items that have artificial coloring
agents and flavoring agents that are harmful to the dog's body. Home
made food items have the guarantee of freshness in the preparation
unlike the ready-made commercial items.

    The preservatives added in the commercial food items may not be the
suitable ones to the dogs from the health point of view. Even in case of
renal diseases in dogs, the home made diets may be made with ground
beef, slices of bread, calcium carbonate, boiled eggs etc.

    The purpose is to have the restricted protein supply in the feed
items prepared.  This should be carried out with home made diets
prepared exclusively for the dogs suffering from renal diseases. Water
is added in sufficient quantities to help the proper metabolism in the
digestion-impaired renal cases.

    The dog may have allergic symptoms like severe itching, which may
not get corrected by different kinds of medications employed over a
period of time.  Such cases may get easily treated once the dog food is
changed from the commercial type of food to the home made food items.

    Often, the home made food items are prepared using the freezing
procedures to kill the germs or by adding grape seed extracts to provide
sufficient antioxidants to the home made food items.  Food grade vinegar
is also added in many times to the meat pieces prepared in a fresh
manner.  All these can be enriched with vitamin supplements that are
available in fruit essences, fish oil etc.

    Cranberry juice, bananas, fish and meat are prepared in a quality
manner and no preservatives are added during the preparation of these
kinds of food items and the dog becomes more active after the
consumption of such food items.

How much should I feed my dog?

    Many people will give different types of answers based on their
experience with their dogs.  However, the scientific facts related to
the feeding aspects in case of dogs need to be given emphasis during the
feeding activities maintained in case of dogs.

    Usually the puppies should not be separated before they are eight
weeks old. However, some times the orphaned puppies may exist. Usually
about five percent of the body weight may be taken as criteria for the
quantity of food to be given to the puppies. However, the amount that is
consumed by the dog varies with size of the dogs also.

    However, one can have a thumb rule of feeding the puppy goes until
you see visible fullness of the abdomen to a moderate degree. If you are
going on feeding the animal without giving emphasis to the animal's
stomach appearance, then the puppy may experience some kinds of
digestive upsets and the diarrhea may occur in them.

    This may cause many inconveniences to the owner as well as the
puppy.  Unlike adult dogs, the puppies need to be fed with restricted
amounts of food but in more frequencies. However, once the age advances,
the amount may be increased to some extent but the frequency of feeding
is often decreased in many occasions.

    A dog on a raw diet may consume only two to four percent of their
body weight.  Just observe closely the feeding pattern of the dog and
the body condition of the animal. If the dog becomes obese, just reduce
the quantity of food and if the dog becomes thin, then have an increase
in the feeding items.

    As mentioned earlier, puppies and adolescent dogs eat more than the
adult dogs.  Likewise the geriatric dog eats less than the adult dog due
to the reduced movements of the dog. However, remember to restrict the
amounts of protein during the feeding of diet to the aged dogs.
How often should I feed my dog?

    This often becomes an important question asked by many dog lovers
and dog owners.  If it is a puppy within age of the first six weeks, the
puppies need to be given milk at the rate of five to seven times per
day. The puppy will make some sound if it wants to feed in general.

    However, the feeding frequency may be reduced when the dog becomes
six to eight weeks old. By the time the dog assumes the age of four
weeks, it may start taking of some solid food. Hence, mix the solid food
with water in majority and feed your puppy once or twice in the
beginning and if the dog develops some diarrhea, then delay the feeding.

    Most of the times, it is due to trial and error but taking some
basic steps in feeding, so you need to watch out.  The feeding frequency
may be changed to two to three times after the assumption of age of
eight weeks.  However, if the dog is seen hungry craving for food, then
provide food once than the estimated numbers. This varies with different
breeds of dogs.

    However, avoid feeding too many times in this age group of dogs.
Around three months to six months of age, the puppy will be teething.
Hence, restrict the feeding to two times only but the balanced type of
nutrition needs to be provided to the dogs of this age group to avoid
the deficiency based symptoms in them.

    From six months to one year, try using puppy food that is available
commercially.  However, from first year onwards, the adult food may be
given gradually.  However, when the dog becomes an elder dog, restrict
the frequency of feeding since the movements of such adult dogs are
highly reduced due to multiple reasons.  However, the pregnant animal
may be fed an extra time depending on the willingness of the animal and
restrict the quantity of the food but without compromising on the
quality of food.
How often should my pet be examined?

    Most of the dog owners try to find this answer in a serious manner.
Whatever the schedule we have for the examination of your pet animal, if
there is any abnormality noticed in your animal, without delay, you need
to subject the animal for a thorough clinical examination.  It can be
suggested that even before the purchase of a puppy, just consult a pet
animal care specialist and try to understand about the schedules to be
maintained for the examination of the animal. This will help a lot in
solving many health related problems in the concerned animal.

    Though once in two or three months is the general schedule for the
examination of the dog, as soon as the puppy is procured the dog needs
to be taken to the veterinarian for a thorough examination. Hence, the
health care measures related program will be obtained in time.  Most of
the time, the dog is to be taken to the veterinarian at fifth or sixth
week of age because in this period only, the vaccinations against
diseases will be systematically carried out.  The period of vaccination
in the first year will be continued up to the sixteenth week of age and
the schedule needs to be maintained accordingly.

    However, if you have the pregnant dog, the dog need not be stressed
by long distance based transportation for examination purposes. Hence,
consult the veterinarian by phone and try to reduce the travel for the
dog. However, the veterinary advice needs to be obtained in terms of
health maintenance.   If the dog has met with an accident either during
travel or during routine movements, the animal needs to be taken to the
pet hospital immediately.

    Though no disease is evident, it does not mean that the dog is
healthy. There are occasions wherein the animal may look like a normal
dog but may have some diseases, which can be found out during the
routine health check ups.  Hence, the owner has to decide on when to
take the dog to the hospital depending on necessity.

How to administer medicine

    Most of the times, the dogs are so intelligent to find out the drug
mixed water or food materials offered to them by the dog owners. Hence,
often it becomes a headache for the dog owners to give medicines to
their dogs.  To the possible extent, the animal need not be forced for
taking of the drug. If the medicine is to be given by mouth, first
decide whether it is better to give it along with water or food.  Many
times, the medicines are mixed with food materials and are kept in
concealed position by proper mixing of the medicine with the food

    Before administering the medicine, just delay the feeding time in
the particular dog. Hence, the dog may be hungry to some extent. At that
time, give little quantity of normal food without medicine and the dog
may eat it well without any suspicion and now provide the medicine mixed
food and the dog may voluntarily eat it most of the times.  If the dog
resists, first restraint the dog well and open the mouth. Place the
tablet behind the fang teeth and almost behind the bulb of the tongue.
However, take care that the medicine what you are administering in the
dog should not enter directly into the respiratory organ like lungs.

    If so, the dog will experience many bouts like activities and may
end up in aspiration pneumonia with severe nasal discharge and panting
like activities. In puppies, just swab the medicine around the upper
lip. The puppy will lick automatically the drug by tongue. Hence, the
administration becomes perfect in such cases.

    If the medicine is in liquid form, don't raise the head of dog too
much and place medicine by a syringe. Just by using a dropper, fill the
medicine in the lip pocket. The continuous rubbing at the throat side
may stimulate the swallowing. Making the animal thirsty and then
offering of medicine mixed water may many times help the intake of the

How to Know if Your Dog's Diet Contains Enough Fatty Acid

Does your pet's skin and coat look shiny and healthy, or is your dog's
fur lacking the silky appearance you prefer?  Could this indicate the
need for more fatty acids in your dog's diet?

A dog's diet affects all aspects of his body including the skin and
coat.  If your dog's diet contains adequate amounts of fatty acids, his
coat and skin should appear healthy.  Fatty acids in your dog's diet
will prevent trouble with dry skin and dandruff, for example.  A dull
coat may indicate a need for supplements of fatty acids in your dog's diet.

Studies indicate that essential fatty acids, called EFAs, contribute to
healthy skin and coat, as well as general health. Omega 3 and omega 6
fatty acids, for instance, can play a critical role in your dog's
overall well being.

Do not  assume that adding fatty acid supplements to your dog's diet is
always a good idea.  If your dog's coat is in good condition, adding
more EFAs will not automatically improve health.  The fatty acid
supplements, such as omega 3 and 6, are only for dog's with diagnosed
skin problems.  Always consult your veterinarian before adding a
supplement to your dog's diet.  Your vet will be happy to discuss with
you the best form of EFAs and the appropriate dose to add to your dog's

Fatty acids are not produced by your dog's body.  For this reason,
You must provide EFAs to your pet through your dog's diet.  If your vet
recommends additional supplements of fatty acids,  you may want to ask
about linseed or sunflower oil.

Within as little as four weeks, you should notice an improvement in your
dog's coat and skin.  Watch the wonder of fatty acids at work in your
dog's diet.  By the time seven weeks have passed, you will notice a
dramatic change in your pet's health.

High levels of omega 3 fatty acids are thought to ward off some forms of
cancer.  Cardiovascular health and joint health will improve, as well,
with higher levels of omega 3 in your dog's diet.

Typically, omega 6 fatty acids are present in manufactured dog food at
adequate levels.  Supplementing omega 3 will help to improve the ratio
and make the difference for your pet.  Fish and flax seed are excellent
sources of omega 3 fatty acids.  Again, be cautious and ask your vet
before supplementing.  Some forms of fish may not be safe as part of
your dog's diet.

Supplementing your dog's diet may or may not be necessary.  The only
sure way to decide if your dog's diet needs extra essential fatty acids
is to schedule an appointment with your vet to talk about your pet's
health.  Never medicate your dog without advice from a professional
because your dog's diet must contain the proper balance of nutrients. 
Sources of EFAs include flaxseed, linseed, and sunflower oil.  Higher
doses of essential fatty acids can improve skin and coat issues within
several weeks.  Your dog's diet is the first step in providing your
overall health and a happy life with your pet for years to come.
How Treats Affect Your Dog's Diet

You know the importance of choosing a healthy diet for your pet. You
have taken the time and effort to consult with the veterinarian about a
healthy and nutritious dog food.  Whether you choose dried food, canned
dog food, or make it from scratch, you may be overlooking something
extremely important in your dog's diet.

Do you occasionally give your best friend a treat from the table or a
rawhide to chew?  These treats may seem like a simple snack or tidbit,
but they really can add up.  You may not have considered it before, but
any and all treats that you give your pet are a part of your dog's
diet.  The question now becomes, how significant are treats in your
dog's diet?  Do you give your dog a treat once a day in the evening
while watching television, or do you scatter Milk Bones throughout the
day for each cute look or adorable pet trick?

The type of treats you give your dog also makes a difference in your
dog's diet.  Do you pass out cookies and scraps from dinner, or maybe a
piece of popcorn or two?  Junk food for you becomes junk food for your
pet.  In fact, some healthy foods for you are not good for your dog. 
Raisins are a healthy snack for humans to munch on between meals, but
they can be detrimental to the health of your dog.  Keep your dog's diet
healthy even during snack time with treats.

Rawhides are an area of controversy.  Some pet owners and vets feel they
do not make a good treat for your pet.  Others feel that rawhides
provide entertainment and good dental health for your dog.  Find out
what your vet recommends.  If you decide to allow rawhides in your dog's
diet, avoid them in excess.  They can create thin stools and provide
many empty calories.

Your dog views a treat as just that, a special treat between meals.  For
the most part, dog's don't care if you give them a baby carrot, rawhide
chew, or Milk Bone.  They are happy to get the snack.  If you find you
provide numerous treats during the course of the day, you may need to
modify your dog's diet to avoid maintaining a healthy weight.  Giving
your pet a whole bunch of treats sure is fun for both you and your dog,
but can lead to serious health troubles.

Consider altering your dog's diet by giving him or her less treats. 
Instead of a large Milk Bone, for example, break the treat into several
smaller pieces and distribute them one at a time.  This will have your
dog eating less between meals.

Ice cubes, small bits of apple, and baby carrots are terrific healthy
treat ideas to consider when choosing a healthy diet for your dog.  Such
treats make little difference overall and make monitoring your dog's
daily intake much easier for you.  This way, you can focus solely on the
food consumed during mealtime.  A dog's diet needs to be healthy to
ensure a long and happy life for your pet.
How Your Dog's Diet Affects Outputs

If you are a computer guru, you may remember the term GIGO.  This term
stands for Garbage In.  Garbage Out.  So, what does this have to do with
your dog's diet?  Well, your dog may be no walking, wagging, and barking
computer, but he or she works in the same way.  What food goes into your
pet will eventually come out in the end.

Your dog's diet will affect the outputs considerably.  Other factors
play a role such as illness, nerves, and the weather.  You can tell a
lot about the health of your hound by the outputs produced.

As any responsible pet owner knows, cleaning up after your pet is not
the most pleasant job, but it is a necessary one.  Being choosy and
selective about your dog's diet will make cleaning up after your pet
much easier.

When your dog is eating a diet high in fillers, your pet will show it. 
The excrement will be large in size and often runny and hard to pick
up.  You may notice when you give your pet leftovers from the table, he
or she is really happy, but you aren't exactly smiling on the next trip
around the block.  The outputs of a pet eating an unhealthy diet is just
plain messy, stinky, and large.

Even treats such as rawhide bones can change your dog's stool. Your
dog's diet consists of everything your pet eats from treats to
mealtime.  Monitor how treats affect your dog's outputs to determine how
healthy the snack really is for your pet.

If you choose to feed your dog a balanced diet that is high in quality,
you will notice a particular difference in the outputs. Cleanup may not
be placed on the top of your things to-do list, but it will be much
easier and more tolerable.  When the dog's diet is healthy and
nutritious, you will have less mess in the yard or kennel.

Dog handlers with service animals are educated about the importance of a
healthy diet and outputs during training.  It is important, for example,
that a guide dog not have an accident while working.  The public would
not be highly tolerant of trouble in a restaurant or grocery store. 
Take a tip from trainers and keep your dog's diet healthy to avoid these
messy situations.

Consult your veterinarian to decide what type of diet is best for your
dog.  Look for a dry dog food that lists meat as the first ingredient. 
This will help to reduce the amount of fillers your pet will consume.

Feeding your pet on a schedule is important.  When looking at your dog's
diet, do not simply focus on what you are feeding your pet, but also
focus on when you feed your dog.  If your dog's diet includes consistent
mealtimes, you will be better able to predict your dog's potty
schedule.  This can play a major role in effective housebreaking technique.

Helping your pet eat right is the first step to maintaining a healthy
diet for your dog.  Your dog's diet, when perfected, will keep things
running smoothly.  Minimize outputs and mess with nutritious, scheduled
feeding.  Beware of treats in your dog's diet.  Knowing what goes into
your pet will reduce the garbage coming out.
Importance of a Feeding Schedule in Your Dog's Diet

What your dog's diet consists of is very important.  Your dog's overall
health and well being is fueled by excellent food and resources.  Did
you know that your dog's diet should be following a feeding schedule?

Just as important as what your dog eats, is when you feed your dog. 
Similar to humans, your dog needs to eat regularly. Nutritious meals and
snacks should be monitored as part of your dog's diet.  Spacing out
mealtimes and snacks or treats on a feeding schedule is a good idea.

Depending on your dog's age and health, you will want to devise a
feeding schedule that supports your dog's diet and nutritional needs. 
Adult dogs may only need to eat at one time during the day, but two
mealtimes are preferred.

Senior dogs rarely need to vary from the typical adult dog feeding
schedule, although the dog's dietary needs change over time.

Puppies require more mealtimes throughout the course of the day. Nursing
pups should be permitted to nurse on demand.  As you alter your puppy
dog's diet from milk to dog food, you will need to offer food four or
five times per day.  Once the puppy has become weaned and used to the
new diet, you may reduce the feeding times to three occasions during the

Your dog's diet should be presented to your pet at regular times during
the day.  The specific time to present your dog's diet is solely up to
you, but be certain to establish a schedule.  Avoid dramatically varying
your pet's feeding times.  For example, if you feed your adult dog
before work at about 6:00 AM and then again at 6:00 PM, try to stick
with this schedule throughout the week.

Do not be surprised if your dog starts getting antsy at 5:45 in the
morning in anticipation of breakfast.  Your dog's diet is important to
him and he is anxiously awaiting its arrival.

Even the treats you hand out as part of your dog's diet will become part
of your dog's daily routine.  If your dog knows that every morning just
before your lunch, you offer a chew bone, he or she will await the daily

Establishing a feeding schedule helps to keep your dog's diet on track. 
It is easy to get in the habit of feeding your dog regularly.  Plus,
scheduled feeding times will help to predict your dog's elimination
schedule.  When you are potty training a puppy or housebreaking an
adult, it can be helpful to have an idea of when your dog needs to go
out.  Maintaining a healthy diet and feeding schedule will make your job
much easier.  This is also very useful when traveling with your pet.  If
you know to expect your dog's elimination schedule, you will be able to
plan appropriate potty stops.  In addition, you will know if your dog is
feeling stress by changes to his schedule.  Try to maintain normalcy and
routine as much as possible.

Probably when you think of your dog's diet, you consider what food he
consumes, but remember when you present your dog's diet is just as
important.  A dog will come to expect his daily feeding schedule and
Is There a Difference in a Senior Dog Diet?

You hate to admit it, but your furry pal is getting a little older.  You
want to ensure that your pet is happy and healthy for many years to
come.  You have heard all of the hype about the new dog diets for older
pets.  Is there really a difference between dog food for adult dogs and
kibble recommended specifically for seniors?  How do you know when to
switch your pet to a different diet?

The best resource for information about dog diets is your pet's
veterinarian.  Only you and your vet know the specific needs of your pet
the best.  Discuss with your vet your concerns and questions.  He or she
will be able to advise you on what changes, if any, need to be made to
your dog's diet.

If your older dog does not have any health problems and maintains a
healthy weight, there is no need to change your dog's diet from adult to
senior dog food.  On the other hand, if your dog has trouble keeping the
weight off or digestive issues, you may need to switch.  If weight is
the only issue, consider slightly lowering the amount of dog food you
give to your pet.  This may be all the change your dog's diet requires.

A senior dog is classified as a dog in the last third of their life
span.  Larger dogs, for instance a Great Dane, live to be about 9 years
old.  Around the sixth year of life, you may want to consider a senior
dog's diet.  A poodle, on the other hand wouldn't reach senior status until
About age ten due to the longer life expectancy.  Primarily, the
decision to change your dog's diet should be based on health condition
rather than actual age in years.  Your vet will help you to determine
when the right time is to alter your dog's diet.

Dog food especially prepared for senior dogs typically has less
calories.  This helps to combat any weight issues.  The senior dog food
also contains more fiber for the different needs in your dog's diet.  As
dogs age, they tend to suffer from constipation. This extra fiber will
help remedy this problem.

Renal failure can be another medical problem for senior dogs.  How can
your dog's diet help this problem?  Reducing the amount of protein in
your dog's diet will decrease the work load for the kidneys.  For this
reason, senior dog food frequently has lower protein content than
regular adult formulas.

Whenever possible, allow your dog to eat dry dog food to encourage
excellent dental health.  The dry kibble helps to reduce plaque and
tartar buildup.  If your older pet refuses to eat the food dry, you may
need to moisten it with water or purchase moist, canned varieties.

If your vet recommends, supplements may be helpful as part of your
senior dog's diet.  Some pets are unable to eat properly due to oral
issues.  Other older pets are unable to gather all of the nutrients from
their food for various health reasons.  Supplements such as daily
vitamins and glucosamine can be beneficial to maintaining a healthy diet
for your dog.

Glucosamine helps to encourage joint health.  For senior dogs,
glucosamine can combat arthritis and hip displasia.

Vitamins C, A, and E may prevent the natural aging process and encourage
better health for senior dogs.  Talk to your vet about adding such
supplements to your dog's diet.

You want what is best for your pet.  Your senior dog needs to have a
diet that meets their special nutritional requirements.  You and your
vet can work together to decide what is the best diet for your senior
dog.  Your dog's diet directly affects his or her health.  Take care of
your pet by monitoring your dog's diet closely with the aid of your
Make a Natural Dog Diet at Home for Better Health

Who knows what is really in that bag of kibble at the grocery store? 
You have turned over the package and read the ingredients, but still it
seems baffling.  What do all of those long, scientific words really
mean?  The only way to really know what your dog's diet consists of is
by making it yourself at home.

Is it difficult to make a natural diet from home for your dog? No, a
little bit of time and knowledge will leave your dog's diet healthy and
nourishing.  And, the best part, you will know what your best friend is

Creating a healthy diet for your dog at home will allow you the
opportunity to take charge of your pet's health.  Many options are
available for you when selecting the specific amount and ingredients for
your dog's diet.  Always talk to your veterinarian about what to feed
your pet.  Your vet will help you to decide what products and foods are
best to avoid and include in your natural dog diet.  Also, they can
educate you about any supplements that may be a good addition to your
dog's diet to maximize health potential.

You may consider the raw diet for your pet.  This dog diet consists of
raw meat, vegetable juices, and grains.  The philosophy behind this dog
diet is to return to the diet nature intended.  Getting your dog's diet
back to the basics will help to encourage good health.

An organic dog diet is easily achieved at home with the purchase of
organic meats, vegetables, and grains.  If you have access to home grown
organic goods in your local area, this may be the best option for your
pet.  If you have the time and space, consider growing your own organic
vegetables for use in your dog's diet. What better way to keep your
dog's diet on track?

So, you have decided to go natural?  Good choice.  Now that you have
turned away from the processed food, what options are available for
treats?  You can make your own natural dog treats at home.  Simply give
your dog a baby carrot or piece of apple as a natural treat.  Dogs love
ice cubes as a snack.  This will not alter his diet at all..

The dog's diet can include homemade treats such as frozen vegetable
juice or dog biscuits made from organic ingredients.  Do remember to
subtract the amount of treats from the daily regimen at mealtime to keep
the diet balanced properly.  For instance, if the dog's diet typically
includes five baby carrots a day, you may want to subtract this from the
meal and use them throughout the day as treats.

Take control over your pet's health by making your dog's diet at home. 
Avoid processed food that is not as healthy for your pet. Many natural
diet options are out there.  Speak to your vet about which natural dog
diet is best for you and your pet.  When the quality of your pet's
health is important, a natural diet for your dog is the best way to go.

The dogs which take their name from the island of Newfoundland appeal to
all lovers of animals.There are now two established varieties, the black
and the white and black. There are also bronze-coloured dogs, but they
are rare. The black variety of the Newfoundland is essentially black in
colour; but this does not mean that there may be no other colour, for
most black Newfoundlands have some white marks. In fact, a white marking
on the chest is said to be typical of the true breed. Any white on the
head or body would place the dog in the other than black variety. The
black colour should preferably be of a dull jet appearance which
approximates to brown. In the other than black class, there may be black
and tan, bronze, and white and black. The latter predominates, and in
this colour, beauty of marking is very important. The head should be
black with a white muzzle and blaze, and the body and legs should be
white with large patches of black on the saddle and quarters, with
possibly other small black spots on the body and legs.


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